We have moved!!!
Minety Music Festival, Salud's Field, Mile Straight Corner, The Common, Minety. SN16 9RH
What3Words = "drape.adventure.eyebrows"
Festival Info
Campsite Guide
Safeguarding Policy

Are dogs allowed on site?
Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed anywhere on site, with the exception of assistance dogs (guide dogs, etc...)
Guidance for Campers / Campervans?
If you have special requirements please email the office with your needs and we will try to accommodate them if at all possible: minetyfestival@outlook.com
1. The camping areas open at 12pm on Thursday 03 Jul and closes at 10:00am on Monday 07 July 2025. Each tent pitch is related to online booking requests. If you have not notified the festival of your camping pitch request when you purchase your ticket, we will not know how many pitches are required and you will not be guaranteed a pitch.
2. Camping is divided into areas for campervans, caravans and motorhomes (known as ‘Live-in vehicles - LIVs) in the main carpark field, and a general camping area in the field immediately south of the carpark field. The main campsite has a capacity of 270 7m x 7m pitches (roughly 1.080 personnel).
3. Camping pitches are 7m wide and separated into lanes to ensure emergency services access. Tents pitched outside of these ‘emergency’ lanes will not be allowed; security staff will direct these tents to be moved out of emergency lanes.
4. You will not be able to drive your car into the campsite to drop off your equipment. Be prepared to walk up to 200m to your campsite.
5. Toilets are provided on the north side of the campsite (and adjacent to pedestrian entrance for the live-in vehicle site).
6. Showers are located adjacent to the toilets on the north side of the campsite (no extra charge)
7. There is no space for additional gazebos or communal areas within the camping areas.
8. If campers are being dropped off by someone who is not attending the Festival, aim to be dropped off at the main car park, this will be the best place to start to walk to the campsite.
Live in vehicles (Campervans, Motorhomes and Caravans) LIVs
9. Live-in vehicles are allocated to a separate plot in the carpark field. It is on the south side of the main car park next to the main arena (see map below).
10. The average pitch size for Live In Vehicles is 8m x 5m. Awnings are allowed if they can be accommodated within this pitch size.
11. Each Live-in vehicle pitch is related to online booking requests. If you have not notified the festival of your Live-in vehicle pitch request when you purchase your ticket, we will not know how many pitches are required and you will not be guaranteed a pitch.
12. LIV Electrical Hook Up (LIV EHU) is separated from the non-EHU LIV compound in the main car park. EHU LIV is only available on advance booking (do not wait to book electrical hook-up when you arrive) and is located in a specially constructed compound in the main campsite (field immediately south of the carpark)
13. Please note that in inclement weather, arrangements may change – follow guidelines by stewards on arrival.
14. Open fires and ground BBQs are NOT allowed anywhere in the campsite. Groundfires prevent the grass to grow back. The fields are used for farming ordinarily. Camping stoves and raised BBQs are allowed but please make sure any cooking equipment is raised off the ground and in good working order.
Campsite Rules:
15. Do not leave valuables, wallets or money in your tent, and look after your possessions over night. This is a family festival so please get to know and watch out for your neighbours. Security will patrol the campsite, but please do not bring non-essential valuables with you. Items are left at owners risk.
16. Dogs are not allowed at the Festival (security patrols will be using dogs and they will detect dogs at night)
17. No amplified music or drums are allowed on the campsite, please consider your neighbours at all times.
18. Anti-social behaviour, excessive drunkenness & drug abuse will lead to removal from the site and Police involvement.
19. Campers are permitted to bring their own food and drink (inc. alcohol) into the campsite only (it is not allowed into the main arena).
20. Glass is not permitted anywhere within the Festival arena (the site is used by livestock for the remainder of the year). Please avoid bringing glass into the campsites
21. Please respect the environment and recycle where possible. We've asked our caterers not to bring single use plastics - please avoid bringing single use plastic cutlery, straws and other throwaways as much as possible. Help us to help our beautiful planet by reducing your rubbish. Bring your empty re-usable water bottles and fill up from the water points provided.
22. Please make sure you use bins provided or take your rubbish with you.
23. check for tent pegs before you leave.
24. There are a limited number of showers on site (adjacent to the northern edge of the campsite field). Please take no longer than 5 minutes in the shower if there is a cue; think of others who are also waiting for a shower in turn and think of the waste water created by each shower.
25. Latrine disposal - there is no provision for live in vehicle users to dispose of their soil waste; please take it with you.
What is the festival safeguarding policy?
Child & vulnerable persons safeguarding policy & procedures. The MMF Director that is held to account for Safeguarding leadership is Colin Laker. The designated ‘Safeguarding’ manager is IBA Security contractor (Rachel Prosser) who will manage the day-to-day operational safeguarding activity during the festival. The safeguarding lead and manager are assisted by a ’Safeguarding roving patrol of 2 safeguarding volunteers’ who will be equipped with management radios, safeguarding guidelines and specific job cards (terms of reference). The primary ‘screening’ responsibility for adequate supervision of each individual child & vulnerable person entering the music festival arena rests with an identified Responsible Adult (from the security contractor) at the point of entry to the main arena. If a child or vulnerable adult is in distress, the safeguarding manager, the security team or a trained Safeguarding volunteer must be brought in to deal with the issue. This policy and process relates to children under the age of 18 years and vulnerable people of any age. This policy has been designed to protect the child & vulnerable person from possible abuse and to protect staff & volunteers from vexatious allegations. The safety of children and vulnerable people is paramount and all children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse. All suspicions and allegations of this nature will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. All the Festival’s management team, staff and volunteers have a responsibility to record and report concerns. Festival staff & volunteers must not be isolated with an individual child at any time. Every volunteer has responsibility for ensuring that no colleague has isolated contact with a child for any reason.
Festival Environment.
Minety Music Festival aims to encourage the provision of a safe environment in which children and young people can learn to socialise and enjoy the diverse range of cultural, leisure and entertainment facilities. It is our intention that this aim will be achieved by informing, involving and working with volunteers, parents, guardians and carers. It is to be noted by all, that the Festival takes place in an open access public place and is organised and staffed totally by volunteers. This presents a communication challenge which is mitigated by management radios, a pre-festival briefing, job cards and rehearsals in the C2 portacabin.
Potential risks to children & vulnerable persons.
Section 182 of The Licensing Act 2003 states that “The protection of children from harm includes the protection of children from moral, psychological and physical harm, and this includes the protection of children from too early an exposure to strong language and sexual expletives; for example, in the language or performances on stage, or where adult entertainment is provided.” The risks to children will vary depending upon the style and character of the festival, the audience profile, the type of activities taking place, the age of the children and whether they are accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. Potential risks include:
- Children being vulnerable to sexual or criminal perpetrators
- Consumption of alcohol
- Children witnessing or being involved in substance misuse
- Anti-social behaviour
- Accidental harm
- Bullying
- Children who are unaccompanied/unsupervised
- Risks to children involved in employment, entertainment or performance
- Children witnessing or being involved with inappropriate or dangerous adult behaviour.
Minety Music Festival will seek to safeguard children and young people by:
- Valuing them, listening to and respecting them
- Adopting child protection guidelines via procedures and safe working practice for staff and volunteers
- Recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
- Sharing information about child protection and safe working practice with children, parent, staff and volunteers.
- Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents and children appropriately
- Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training.
Safeguarding Risk Management.
In order to demonstrate a sense of legal and social responsibility towards safeguarding children and young people and in line with existing legislation, policy and guidance, a children’s safeguarding risk assessment is at Annex H to the Event Management Plan. Children are to be protected from potential harm during their involvement in entertainment or employment under current legislation. The most likely risk is that of children becoming lost, or becoming unsupervised. The most dangerous risk is a child being vulnerable to sexual or criminal perpetrators. Both these risks have specific mitigation plans in the Event Management Plan (Annex H).
Festival Safeguarding team.
The safeguarding lead and manager have the responsibility to keep written records in the command & control portacabin (maintained by the watchkeeper) of all child related events, to establish a clear line of accountability for safeguarding. This is to ensure that event staff understand the safeguarding protocols set out in the Event Management Plan and advise event staff/stewards about the safeguarding arrangements in place. This role is to co-ordinate communication and decisions taken by staff working at on site and if necessary, to liaise with Police/Social Care. Any activity of a safeguarding nature at the Festival is to be reported to one of the Festival management team, the Safeguarding leader/deputy, or to the security team staff present. Festival security is provided by a sub-contractor, security staff headquarters will be situated near the main entrance and staff will be clearly visible with Blue High-Vis jackets at the event and their SIA licence with their name will be on display at all times. All volunteers are recruited by personal recommendation. Names and contact details of all festival personnel will be kept for safeguarding record purposes. The festival management team and every volunteer is to be given a copy of the safeguarding policy (typically, the volunteer information trifold). Festival staff that have duties that bring them into one-to-one contact with children or if they have supervisory responsibilities for children’s activities (Kidzone), do not need to be DBS certified (DBS screening is required for volunteers who work more than 4 days per month on a regular basis). Volunteers in the Kidzone are not to be placed in ‘private one-to-one’ contact situations with children. Volunteers for the kidzone are invited to provide a DBS certificate if they have one. Names and contact details of volunteers for the kidszone are to be kept by the Safeguarding leader/deputy.
Child identification & escort information.
Minety Music Festival will operate a safeguarding sticker patch scheme. All children under 18 will be asked at the ticket booth to wear a circular sticker patch (specially made to stay attached to clothing) with their parent or guardian’s telephone number written on it. Bar staff will be trained and instructed to operate Challenge 21 proof of age scheme and to accept only legitimate proof (eg passport, photo driving license, photo student card or identification approved by the PASS scheme).
Lost / Found Children.
Children under 18 (those wearing circular sticker patches) are to be carefully monitored as they enter or exit the festival arena. Children under 18 should not leave the arena without the supervision of an accompanying adult. This is to ensure that children do not become isolated. The announcement of lost/found children is a sensitive issue. In the event that a child or vulnerable person is apparently lost or found, the member of the festival staff is to inform the ‘Command and Control’ porta cabin/bus; arrangements can be made by the trained watchkeepers to initiate a search for a lost child or escort the found child to the Control Porta-cabin/bus; staff are to be directed to look-out for anxious parents or guardians who should be reassured and directed to the control porta cabin/bus (known as the ‘Place of Safety’). Long term (more than an hour) unaccompanied children can be taken to a specifically designated empty tent to be united with their parents/guardians or the Police. Any report of a child apparently lost (unaccounted for) after a brief search of the site is to be escalated to the local police force. All members of MMF organising staff will be equipped with management radios, so a relay message can be instantly directed between the watchkeepers and a found child and guardian as quickly as possible. Written records are to be made and retained by the event watchkeeper in the Control portacabin/bus to account for all actions taken to reunite the child with the responsible adult or to otherwise safeguard the child/young person.
Festival site Access.
The arena is fenced off with a single point of entry for the public.
A pair of SIA security staff will be patrolling during festival operational hours to monitor car parks, kids zone, campsite and the main arena. In addition, a specific ’Safeguarding roving patrol of 2 safeguarding volunteers’ will patrol from the Kidszone and be equipped with management radios.
Adequate lighting is to be provided in the main arena to avoid covert activities that pose risks to children. Festoon lighting is to be erected along the east and north sides of the campsite, as well as the Emergency Evacuation point in the campsite (EAP 2) in order to provide campers with sufficient lights in emergencies.
Kidszone signs.
The Kidzone is not a crèche facility and children using the Kidszone remain the responsibility of their identified responsible adult at all times. The Kidszone is to display signs that children are not to be abandoned at the Kidszone as if it were a ‘crèche’. The event organisers are not providing crèche facilities, merely entertainment for children and the provision of safety supervisors for the use of the facilities in the Kidszone.
Teen Tent.
The Teen Tent is provided for use by children and young people between the ages of 12-17. They will not be accompanied by parents or responsible adults. Teentent sub-contracted staff will hold the responsibility of supervision. There will be a minimum of 3 staff in the Teen Tent at all times and the shift leader will be DBS checked. Those using the Teen tent will be required to sign in and to abide by a code of conduct which follows the festival safeguarding measures.
Injury to children on the Kidszone from bigger children.
One of the risks to children in the Kidszone is impact with or the boisterous behaviour of bigger children. The Kidszone will have a designated manager to supervise the overall operation of the kidszone. Kidszone volunteers are to call security to remove bigger children that pose a risk to smaller children because of their behaviour. Kidszone volunteers are to use their discretion to maintain a safe balance of smaller children and bigger children on kidszone attractions so as to preserve the safety of children in general. Festival security is to be called if there is any risk of harm to children. The Kidszone manager has the authority ‘shut-down’ individual Kidszone attractions if they become dangerous for children.
Notification of safeguarding policies.
Minety Music Festival will make every effort to ensure that Parents, Guardians, Carers are informed of its current Child Protection Policy prior to the commencement of the Festival (installed within the website under the ‘Terms and conditions’). The Festival will inform all Parents, Guardians, Carers that children under the age of 18 years that they must be accompanied by a responsible adult when attending the Festival. It must also be noted that where a Parent, Guardian or Carer is not personally attending with their child, this Policy requires them to be satisfied that their child will be accompanied to the Festival and adequately supervised at the Festival by responsible adults acting on their behalf (Loco Parentis). Under no circumstances will the Festival act in ‘loco parentis’. The festival terms and conditions include the notification that Minety Music Festival is not responsible for the supervision of children in the kidszone as if it were a crèche, parents remain responsible for their children and their responsibilities are not delegated to Minety Music Festival staff.
Safeguarding and festival facilities.
Whilst the campsite, toilets and showers are available for use, none will be constantly supervised by any Festival Officer or other approved volunteer. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring that children under 18 and any vulnerable adult of any age are adequately supervised in these areas.
Safeguarding Policy Review.
The Festival Officers will constantly review their Child Protection Policy, improving and enhancing it as necessary. In doing this they will look to the British and International Federation of Festivals for support and advice and that body, in turn will look to other agencies for good practice, most notably the NSPCC and the Arts Council of England policy guidelines.